Want to adopt?
“God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.” – Ephesians 1:5
We believe that children belong and thrive in families. Where possible, we encourage family preservation and assist families to keep their kids and raise them to the best of their abilities. In situations where there is absolutely no alternative and children have no safe, viable place to live, we admit them into Helping Hands Healing Hearts Children’s Home and begin to go through the process of having them made legally available for adoption. We practice ethical gatekeeping by ensuring that there truly is no available relative to take custody of the child and only after that do we work towards and support adoption, both local and intercountry.
We believe that God loves families and that this Father to the fatherless puts the lonely in families (Ps 68:5-6). Our desire is to see godly fathers and mothers bringing in children who would not otherwise have a family and raising these children as their own sons and daughters. In fact, we believe that the greatest need of orphans is not food or clothing, shelter or education. Instead, it is the love and affirmation that comes from a father and mother. We who have been adopted by God Himself as His children have been given the ultimate model of the love of an adoptive parent. Although we may not all be called to adopt a child of our own, we can all make a difference.
What is adoption?
Adoption is a socio-legal process of providing a permanent family to a child whose parents have voluntary or involuntary relinquished parental authority over the child. Two types of adoption are recognized by the Philippines, agency and relative adoption.
Who can adopt?
Filipino citizens of legal age and at least 16 years older than the adoptee can adopt. They must have full capacity to act and assume all the rights and duties related to the exercise of parental authority, and must be emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for children. The adopter must have good moral character and has not been convicted of any crime.
Who may be adopted?
Any person below 18 years of age who has been administratively or judicially declared available for adoption.
The legitimate son or daughter by one spouse by the other spouse
An illegitimate son or daughter by an adopter to improve his or her status to that of legitimacy.
A person of legal age, if prior to adoption, has been consistently considered and treated by the adopter(s) as his or her child since he or she is a minor.
A child whose adoption has been previously rescinded.
A child whose biological or adopted parent(s) has died.
How can I adopt?
You could share your interest with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or an accredited child-placing agency like Kaisang Buhay Foundation (KBF) and NORFIL Foundation. After coordinating with these agencies, they will assist you on the adoption process and documentary requirements.
What are the documentary requirements needed for adoption?
PSA Birth Certificate
PSA Marriage Certificate (if adopters are married)
Written authorization to the adoption of the legitimate, adopted, or illegitimate children living with the applicant who are aged ten (10) years old and above
Health Certificate of adopting couple and their family member
NBI Clearance or Police Clearance
Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) or any proof of income
Three (3) Character References
Statement of Acceptance from labeled guardian
Latest family picture and home photos
Home Study Report
How long will the adoption process take?
The process usually takes about 6 to 12 months, but can be delayed further in complex cases. We advise interested families to get started with the first few steps already to prepare themselves better for unexpected delays.
What is the cost for adoption?
The application does not entail a fee apart from the expenses in gathering the necessary requirements. Child-placing agencies may ask a fee for their services in procuring the required documents and for their assistance through the process. The SWDO, DSWD Field Office and the LCR may charge socialized fees of P1,000.00 to those who avail of the administrative adoption proceedings, but can be waived if the petitioner is indigent.
Another expense is for your lawyer’s services to legally adopt the child, which is a fee that varies per lawyer. However, we advise families to also financially prepare the same way they would allot a budget for the arrival of a biological child (check-ups, buying baby needs, etc.).
Can a single person adopt or foster?
Yes. Adopting a child is an option available not just to couples but also to singles or solo parents. As long as the applicant meets all the requirements and has shown the proper motivation for wanting to care for a child, he or she will be considered.
Is there an age requirement when it comes to adoption?
Anyone of legal age may adopt. He/she must be at least 16 years older than the adoptee unless he/she is the biological parent of the adoptee, or the spouse of the adoptee’s parent.
Will DSWD check in with me and my family after the adoption process?
The social worker in charge of your adoption process will conduct home visits during the supervised trial custody stage of the process.
After the process, will my name be listed as the parent in the birth certificate?
After a judicial decree of adoption has been issued by the Court, it shall be registered with the Local Civil Registrar for entry in the Register Of Court Decrees. Afterwards, you may proceed with processing the Amended Certificate of Live Birth of the adopted child, which shall be prepared and issued by the civil registrar.
When do I involve a lawyer in the process?
A lawyer is required during the judicial phase of the process. This starts with the petition for adoption filed at the family court of the province.
Can we adopt more than one child?
Yes, there are often siblings available for adoption and DSWD always keeps them together to maintain the family bond. The same applies for single or solo parent adopters.
If my spouse and I pass away, where does our adopted child go?
In the event of untimely death of the adoptive parent/s, the child will go to the custody of his/her legal guardian.
For more information please contact DSWD in your region. Helping Hands does not do direct matching. We are a Child Caring Agency and not a Child Placing Agency.
(Written by ROHEI Foundation. Please check out their link and website: How To Adopt in the Philippines)